MBC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that is passionate about educating the Millennial Generation in the areas of personal financial strategies that will enhance their lives and secure their futures. Labeled as the, “New Wealth Builders” millennials are setting global records that far exceed that of the Baby Boomers. The largest wealth transfer in the history of this country is in the midst of taking place. Yet, we still understand that many have a low-to-medium level of financial management knowledge. Our desire is to fully educate by teaching financial terminologies and strategies that are clear, simple and reliable. At MBC, we deliver this information through webinars, seminars, mobile apps, and face-to-face meetings, because we understand the importance of direct interaction especially in the area of personal finances.
The Millennial discussion is one that sparks the interests of many from a variety of different perspectives and is a main topic of many individuals, organizations, groups, and corporations. It has been duly noted, that Millennials are ready to conquer the world by making strides in all areas of business, education, technology, and humanity. However, with their fervor for life, along with following their own paths, the traditional ways of managing money, savings, long term planning, investments, and retirement will be extremely tough to manage. Alternative strategies that are hybrid to standard methods have to be explored. Strategies that can flow with their attitudes about life and that can enhance their lifestyles, as they know it. This will give them options against their thoughts about conventional institutions. For example, Millennials don’t look to use paper checks when they can operate online, where conventional institutions still use paper checks as a means of verification of individual account holder. Who will acquiesce?
During this time of technological and evolutionary change they are embracing their role as young adults taking on a global society. Even with this vigor it has also been stated that some millennials were raised entitled and dependent on tools provided by their parents, which limit their social skills and their ability to think on their own.
However, just like any new generation they are carving a new way of doing things that could not be foreseen by their parents. It seems as though they have been equipped with the ability to THINK independently and have a worldview that is carving their futures. Most of them embrace travel at a much younger age than their parents the baby boomers. The Millennial generation will set the stage for our future and their parents will have to follow like parents of generations past. Their fundamentals on personal finance will use the current methods with options to build guarantee’s using MBC strategies.
Money - our medium of exchange whether in fiat (paper money) form, plastic, or electronic form will still continue to be used to make our way in society. It is only effective for us when we have it in our hands. This means we must understand the most efficient and effective ways to make it work for us. This website will serve as a tool to share how Millennial Banking Concept can provide financial knowledge to millennials who are interested in securing their financial futures. If the resources are adhered to and applied millennials will find themselves traveling towards a comfortable tomorrow.

Steven LaBroi
Founder and President
Steven E. LaBroi, has over 30 years in sales, marketing, and entrepreneurship. His career encompasses experience in manufacturing, telecommunications, the film industry, healthcare, and franchising. Throughout the duration of his career he has gained knowledge of customer acquisition, profit and loss, business strategy and much more.

Steven has dedicated the remainder of his life and career to the financial services industry. With a BA from Morehouse College in finance and banking, Steven is committed to teaching others the valuable strategies he has used throughout his life to maintain and manage personal finances.
He started this journey by becoming the managing Director and Chief strategist of The LaBroi Insurance Group, LLC. LIG is an independent financial strategy firm specializing in unique 100-year-old strategies that teach individuals, families, and businesses various ways to build wealth and legacies that will guarantee positive savings and retirement planning.
Steven set out to ask clients one simple question, “Who taught you how to manage money?” Through this Steven discovered that 9 out of 10 people build money management habits own their own. This proved that people learn to generate INCOME, pay bills, and manage to the concerns of a credit score system and too many people are still falling victim to needing it NOW!
In response to seeing the increasing number of young people struggling to create strategies that would assist in meeting both current and future financial goals, Steven created Millennial Banking Concept. The Millennial generations who follow their parents (baby boomers) desire the same success, but want it NOW or at least the trapping of success. However, managing debt and their thirst for making their own way continue to conflict with one another during the early years of adulthood.
Millennial Banking Concept offers educational tools and resources that will assist in building a foundation for controlling finances while building wealth for the future.